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GP Andromix

Buy Steroids Online - Buy GP Andromix - Geneza Pharmaceuticals


Geneza Pharmaceuticals

Price: $63.00

Availability:  60 In Stock!GP Andromix,
Geneza Pharmaceuticals

Alternative names : GP-Andromix

Packaging :

GP Andromix

Manufacturer: Geneza Pharmaceuticals
Pharmaceutical name: Testosterone propionate 50mg, Trenbolone acetate 50mg, Drostanolone propionate 50mg
Pack: 10 ml/vial (150 mg/ml)

GP Andromix is an injectable steroid blend that contains 3 hormones which are Testosterone Prop, Tren Acetate, and Masteron. This mixture is a popular cycle for those looking to run cutting cycles or lean bulking cycles and is named after the fact that the three compounds are known for their high androgen content which leads to increased muscle definition found favorable by athletes looking to "cut" or stay looking lean while they bulk.

Testosterone is what makes men stronger and more muscular than women, with less fat. It also is what makes men lose their hair, causes oily skin and enlarges prostate tissue. But you have to take the bad with the good, especially if you want to grow muscle. Testosterone prop found in Andromix is a fast acting form of the hormone and is thought to produce leaner gains with less water weight than other esters of the drug. The 2nd substance in Andromix is Trenbolone acetate. Trenbolone is a very powerful hormone thought to be 3 times as anabolic as testosterone. Trenbolone doesn't convert to estrogen and therefore produces a very hard ripped looking physique. The third compound in Andromix is Masteron. Masteron is a very high androgen that is used pre contest by bodybuilders who are looking to bring an extra ripped looked to their muscles. The drug is also good for increasing aggression and strength. Put together, these three compounds work to produce a very potent injection that is sure to bring about quality results that are very pronounced. A great additon to a cycle using Andro mix would be GP Stan 10.

Users of Andromix will typically inject 1cc per day or 2cc every other day for a period of 6-8 weeks followed by a PCT program.

Side effects :

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