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Buy Steroids Online - Buy WINNY 250 - Gen Shi Labs


Gen Shi Labs

Price: $23.00

Availability:  Only 10 left In Stock!WINNY 250,
Gen Shi Labs

Alternative names : WINNY-250

Packaging :


Manufacturer: Gen Shi, Japan
Pharmaceutical name: Stanozolol
Pack: 5 ml (50 mg/ml)

Winstrol Depot is a popular steroid among bodybuilders which contains Stanozolol.  Winstrol Depot may be used by athletes for whom strength and speed are desirable. This is because the weight gain that accompanies some other anabolic steroids is not present in Winstrol, instead lean muscle mass is built. Winstrol? ?†? ??????????s most attractive asset is the quality of muscle it produces ? ?†? ??????‚?? hard, thick, dense and tight. Since it lowers estrogen it also lowers fat. One would think this would make Winstrol extremely desirable but old notions die hard. Most bodybuilders like to see the numbers of the scale go up and since Winstrol does not produce huge gains, due mostly to a lack of water retention. This all adds up to Winstrol being dismissed as a mass drug. Winstrol Depot stacks swell with Testosterone and other steroids and can even take the place of Proviron as a ? ?†? ??????™hardener.? ?†? ???????  The liquid version is used on racehorses, which is why it got a reputation for being ideal for track and field athlete. The down side of Winstrol, as with all 17 alpha alkylated drugs is the stress it puts on the liver. It obliterates ? ?†? ??????™good? ?†? ??????? cholesterol and spikes the bad LDL and even has a slight dehydrating effect leading some people to complain about stiff joints with its use. All of this occurs, not with continued use, but within just a few days. Winstrol Depot is very popular among competitive bodybuilders when in the cutting phase. Not for the hardening effect but for the fact that it also increases vascularity. Winstrol is perhaps the harshest of all steroids on the hairline, no doubt to the effect of the DHT. The recommended dosage of Winstrol Depot for men is 25mg - 50mg per day; some go for 100mg per day for more pronounced gains. For women, around 5mg - 10mg per day is enough to deliver adequate muscle strength and mass gains. If females are opting for the injectable version, they can divide a 50mg-ampule into a minimum of two dosages.

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